God who creates innumerable galaxies in their mysterious beauty is the same God who has personally loved each of us into being, creating us in and for love of God and neighbor. Rather, as the Book of Wisdom tells us, God loves “all things that are” and loathes “nothing that (God) has made.” God is not an abstract philosophical being standing passively at the origins of the universe. God, the creator of the universe, is a God of love. While we stand in awe of the splendor and vastness of galaxies, now seen in unparalleled detail, the Bible invites us to draw near to God, the all-powerful creator of this universe in all its immense and ancient beauty. In today’s first reading, the Book of Wisdom offers a timely reminder that “before the Lord the whole universe is as a grain from a balance or a drop of morning dew come down upon the earth.” One image, released shortly after the telescope launched into space, showed numerous galaxies in front of and behind a galaxy cluster as it appeared 4.6 billion years ago! Scientists can now study these ancient galaxies to understand their origin and their relationship to our galaxy. The images cover an area of the sky about the size of a grain of sand showing thousands of galaxies across the universe. This new space telescope was designed to give scientists unique, mind-boggling images of distant galaxies. This summer NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope began revealing detailed infrared images of our immense and beautiful universe.